
Completion: 10%

(copy-pasted from the news update 25/09/08, will be retyped later)

I'm announcing another new concept, probably one that I'll have finished (in beta stages at least) in none too long. Perhaps a couple of weeks, perhaps less. Now, I assume quite a few people who have gotten here by my indiscrete plugging will own a copy of Smash Bros Brawl, and will be familiar with it's rather nice Stage Builder. Now, getting stages from one person to another is a bit of a pain. I know IGN has a rather snazzy website for uploading created stages for others to play, but that is sometimes a bit of a pain. It's somewhat tricky differenciating one .bin file on your SD to another, especially when there's hundreds of the things all lovingly titled in random numbers. And sometimes, you simply don't possess an SD card. So, I'm announcing SmashMaps, a tool to replicate your stage in the SmashMap Editor, and send the file to others, so they can then replicate that stage in Brawl. It'll comply to Brawl's stage building rules - tiles cannot overlap, every tile has three different size settings, and some can be flipped from left to right. There'll also be a limit on how much can be put down, again just as Brawl has. Fields will be added to suggest the best music for the level, the best characters, and the best type of Brawl. It'll then save the map in a format that can be opened in another SmashMaps, for the next user to copy manually into their Brawl level editor. It may also have a feature to snapshot the map in some image format (probably png), to give the user a taste of the map they're opening.

Raylax is in no way affiliated with Nintendo, HAL Labs, or any other associated bodies.
No copyright infringment is intended, material used on a fanbase level only. Smash Bros Brawl is a copyright of Nintendo.